Tori Spelling Just Got Dragged By Fans And Her Daughter Is Part Of The Cause See The Photo That

Tori Spelling just got dragged for this reason involving her daughter. People said that shes practically mocking the black culture, as you will see in their comments below. A follower said: So this is how Tori & little miss McQuisha choose to use their quarantine snacks.

Tori Spelling just got dragged for this reason involving her daughter. People said that she’s practically mocking the black culture, as you will see in their comments below.

A follower said: ‘So this is how Tori & little miss McQuisha choose to use their quarantine snacks.’

Someone said: ‘It shows the deep-rooted racism. 🤷🏽‍♀️ But y’all sleep tho ❗️❗️’ and another follower posted this: ‘That Rona lockdown is bringing out folks’ real colors.’

A follower posted this: ‘lmfao I mean I don’t think it’s serious like we don’t be calling ppl Becky and Karen 😂 lets be fair ppl.’

Someone else said: ‘This is why she looks like 50 miles of bad road,’ and another follower posted this: ‘I don’t see the problem.’

Other than this, Tori recently celebrated the 13th birthday of her son. Here’s the anniversary message that she shared on her social media account in order to mark this event.

‘I blinked and he’s 13…My firstborn ❤️ is 13 today on the 13th. He’s officially a teenager. I can’t believe my first tiny teacher on the journey of motherhood is now teaching me the art of having a teen. I’m so proud of him. Liam Aaron McDermott @liammcdermott2007 you will forever be my Monkey. I’ve loved experiencing every stage of this lifetime with you thus far. Every day you amaze me and I can’t wait to continue to watch you grow and evolve. You are so kind and funny and smart. Although you’ll soon be taller than me you forever will be that little babe they placed in my arms 13 years ago today,’ Tori captioned her post.

She continued and said: ‘The little human that made me a mom. You changed my life the moment I found out you were growing in my belly. My whole world changed. My why in life became you! And, then, all of your brothers and sisters to follow. I might have blinked, and you are a teenager now, but if I close my eyes, I can still see your face the first time I held you, and feel your tiny hands grasp my finger. You changed my world. I’m a better person because you are here. Your smile and laugh make the world a better place. Keep being uniquely you. I love you forever! Mama xoxo.’


Her fans shared their best wishes for her family during these difficult times.

