Monica Bellucci supports the childfree: Being a woman isnt about having children

These are some new photos of Monica Bellucci in Toronto, promoting her new film, Rhino Season. I cant find a designer ID on the dress, but its giving me Dolce vibes, and it probably is D&G considering Monica has long been associated with the brand. But this isnt a fashion or beauty post, although I

These are some new photos of Monica Bellucci in Toronto, promoting her new film, Rhino Season. I can’t find a designer ID on the dress, but it’s giving me Dolce vibes, and it probably is D&G considering Monica has long been associated with the brand. But this isn’t a fashion or beauty post, although I do think Monica looks great. She’s 47 years old, and I believe (honestly) that she’s un-tweaked. I think this is just what she looks like at 47 with no extras but good wine and getting boned by Vincent Cassel (sigh…).

As I learned last year, Monica is always good for an interesting quote. She never tries to take back her witty and fascinating observations with the excuse of “lost in translation” either. Last year, Monica basically said that she and Vincent have a less “traditional” view of marital fidelity – basically, she knows he’s going to screw around, so all she expects from him is loyalty and elegance (meaning, perhaps, that if he screws around, he can’t flaunt it). So what does Monica have to say in a recent interview with Style Mag? Oh, there are lots of goodies.

Having babies in her late 30s and early 40s: “It was the perfect time. In my life, I do things late. I need to be calm, and to know and feel things are right. I’m sure there are great 20-year-old mothers, but I wasn’t into children at that age. Now I feel differently. I can stay with them without feeling as if I’m losing something.”

On the idea of being childless/childfree: “I would have been disappointed. But it’s different for every woman. I have so many friends who don’t have children and are happy. Being a woman isn’t about having children. But for me, I needed to go through the experience.”

She now organizes her work around being a mom: “I try to organize my time according to them, because they need me. I don’t want to put my work first anymore, because it’s not as important. I organize my time very well – I don’t like to miss my children.”

Always bet on black: “Black is my favorite color. A simple black dress is the most perfect thing. Sometimes, I think, if I gain weight, I will just wear black because it’s easier.”

Intelligence & self-confidence are as important as physical beauty: “Beauty is a problem if you’re stupid, but not if you know how to use it. I know many beautiful people, but their lives are just terrible because they don’t know that being comfortable is not about what you look like, but how you feel.”

She works out. Occasionally. “I began after Leonie was born,” Monica sighed. “But I don’t like to do it every day, or watch what I eat. I’m not a machine — I should be in good shape, but have never felt that I have to be skinny.”

[Via Ahlan Live & Film News]

I love her statement: “I have so many friends who don’t have children and are happy. Being a woman isn’t about having children. But for me, I needed to go through the experience.” It’s her experience, and she isn’t judging the women that choose not to become moms. I wish more women thought/felt like that, that the experience of being a woman isn’t solely or exclusively about motherhood. Sigh… I love her.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

