How to use Electrogranum in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact players are finally able to explore the game's newest region, Inazuma, and the new mechanics and exploration abilities are unlike anything else in Genshin Impact so far. Players are able to take advantage of many new interesting structures, like the new Electrogranum, which players can use to aid in their travels and puzzle-solving

Genshin Impact players are finally able to explore the game's newest region, Inazuma, and the new mechanics and exploration abilities are unlike anything else in Genshin Impact so far.

Players are able to take advantage of many new interesting structures, like the new Electrogranum, which players can use to aid in their travels and puzzle-solving through Inazuma.

Players can learn more about this useful mechanic here, and how they can use the Electrogranum in Genshin Impact. The Electrogranum has a multitude of uses that players can take advantage of, and knowing how to use it well can make a big difference in Inazuma.

How to use the Electrogranum in Genshin Impact 2.0

The Electrogranum is an essential part of traveling through Inazuma as it provides players with multiple benefits. It can be upgraded to give players extra damage and will aid in solving puzzles. Players should definitely take advantage of the Electrogranum, as learning how to use it properly is important to solving puzzles and other difficult tasks in Genshin Impact 2.0.

Activating the Electrogranum is pretty simple, as players will simply need to follow these steps:

  • Locate a Thunder Sakura Bough
  • Tap or Interact with the Bough to Summon an Electrogranum
  • An Electrogranum will be summoned and players can carry it around to the puzzle they need solving
  • Players will be able to utilize the Electrogranum for several purposes, and it will stay with them for 15 seconds without any upgrades.

    Thunder Sphere:

    Players can use a Thunder Sphere while carrying an Electrogranum to propel themselves through the air, allowing for quick traversal. Once players have activated a Thunder Sakura Bough, they can activate an Electrogranum near the Thunder Sphere by tapping or pressing the button that appears once they approach the sphere. Players will be launched towards the Sphere, making this a great way to get around.

    Thunder Barrier:

    Players will also need to use Electrogranum to deal with Thunder Barriers, as moving through them without one will be very difficult. Players may even have to upgrade their Electrogranum at the Sacred Sakura to allow for entrance through the barrier. Once players have an Electrogranum, they will be able to phase through the barriers as long as their Electrogranum is strong enough.

    Genshin Impact 2.0 has brought many new mechanics, and Inazuma is full of Electro themed puzzles and interactables. Players will need to master all of them to be able to succeed in their exploration of the land of Electro.

    Also read: Genshin Impact 2.0 brings Lost Riches event: Four Seelie companions, Primogems and more in rewards

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