Fantasy football astrology: Predicting how Aaron Rodgers will play by reading his birth chart

Even the best-kept secrets and strategies in fantasy football hit the mainstream almost to nauseating levels (can we please stop the tweets about hero RB now?). So in a quest to find an edge for readers, we consulted with Sports Astrologer Andrea Mallis.

Even the best-kept secrets and strategies in fantasy football hit the mainstream — almost to nauseating levels (can we please stop the tweets about “hero RB” now?). So in a quest to find an edge for readers, we consulted with Sports Astrologer Andrea Mallis

We asked her to give us the stars’ outlook, essentially, for three buzzy 2023 players — Aaron Rodgers, Tua Tagovailoa, and DeAndre Hopkins. What follows might not be completely up your alley — you may not even believe in astrology — but it’s all part of our quest to get you on the road to a title using every advantage at our disposal. Andrea has been doing this for decades and could be the key to your title. 

Please note: These are only recommendations provided by Andrea Mallis’ analysis and expertise, and not statements of fact. You should know this but we feel we have to clearly state it anyway. Enjoy!

Aaron Rodgers

Birthdate: Dec. 2, 1983 | Sun sign: Sagittarius

If you look up free spirit in the dictionary, you may see a picture of Sagittarius Aaron Rodgers who embodies that energy.


Born at 2:50 p.m. on Dec. 2, 1983, in Chico, CA, Rodgers is an adventurer at heart. He loves to take risks, explore new worlds. He’s an independent soul, freedom-loving and very restless, requiring a lifestyle that provides opportunities for travel, change, adventure and meeting new people – and football does just that.

First off, Rodgers was QB at Cal, UC Berkeley (I reside in Berkeley and can relate to his free spirit energy!) I actually grew up in New York, during the Jets Gemini Broadway Joe Namath era. Rodgers is an incurable optimist with big dreams, hopes for the future and faith and trust in life – failures don’t crush his spirit, always bouncing back from disappointments.

He’s open and straightforward with 5 planets in Sagittarius – a trait which can come across as blunt and tactless, too.

With his Moon in Scorpio, he craves intense experiences. Also, with his Sun Conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius, Rodgers is innovative and unorthodox. It may seem counterintuitive, to find yourself in the dark, but during his epic darkness retreats and Ayahuasca journeys, that is exactly what transpired.

He identifies with the role of rebel, reformer, outlier or iconoclast. With Sun sextile Mars, he is positive, vital, energetic, active, a go-getter.

A poster child for the mid-life crisis between ages 39 to 42 – and after 18 years with the Green Bay Packers – he is now a New York Jets QB and he’s adapted well, having already bought a home in New Jersey.

So for this four-time NFL MVP, a high-energy cycle beckons when Jupiter in Taurus conjuncts his Ascendant. A once-every-12-year cycle of high energy, abundance and success, his leadership ability is increased in December 2023 and January 2024.

Tua Tagovailoa

Birthdate: March 2, 1998 | Sun sign: Pisces

Tua Tagovailoa, Miami Dolphins QB, was born March 2, 1998, in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. With six planets in Pisces, he is a very gentle, impressionable soul. Mystical, artistic, emotional and imaginative – as well as tolerant and forgiving – he has a great sensitivity for and empathy with others.


With his Sun Conjunct Jupiter, he is blessed with optimism, self-confidence and cheerful generosity. His good will and friendliness win many allies. At the same time, he has grand aspirations to succeed in life in a big way. He expects the best, and usually gets it. With Jupiter square Pluto, he aims high. He is very opportunistic!

Mercury in Pisces means he’s open-minded and believes anything is possible. But with Mars in Pisces, he has a sensitive physique and needs to maintain good health habits for strength and stamina. Life can feel like an endurance test for Tua when Saturn, the planet that rules the skeletal system, will be in Pisces from March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025, and again from Sept 1, 2025, to February 13, 2026. He needs to be mindful of injury proneness after a concussion ended his season last year and he considered retirement. He is currently pioneering a new helmet to reduce concussions and is taking jiujutsu to prevent hard falls.

More than all else, working for a cause that transcends his own personal interests is satisfying for him, thanks to Mars sextile Neptune. Jupiter in Pisces also plays into this, focusing his ability to identify with others. With Uranus in Aquarius, he is part of the Indigo generation. And with Uranus Sextile Pluto, he will be one of the positive reformers and innovators in society, bringing peaceful methods and new techniques to the world for profound – yet not disruptive – change.

DeAndre Hopkins

Birthdate: June 6, 1992 | Sun sign: Gemini

DeAndre Hopkins, wide receiver for the Tennessee Titans, was born June 6, 1992, in Central, South Carolina, under a triple whammy of Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Gemini, meaning he’s restless and easily bored.

When the Titans signed him, there were concerns about his age and contract, but, as The Athletic’s Tim Graham reported in June, some team executives had concern over Hopkins’ supposed distaste for practice. Doing the same thing over and over again – a.k.a. practice – is real drudgery for someone with his chart. And while not quite engaging in the epic-level rant of fellow Gemini Allen Iverson, DeAndre’s reluctance can be a problem.


He has assured his team that will not be the case.

He is an eternal child. With Mercury in Gemini, DeAndre is quick to grasp new concepts, but equally quick to lose interest once curiosity is satisfied. We’re talking short-attention-span theater here. He craves frequent change, variety, new situations and people. For that aspect, football fits the bill.

Sun Trine Saturn – a reality check from the universe – makes him realistic and practical, able to tackle long, difficult projects and see them through with concentration and perseverance. Coupled with a strong sense of responsibility, he is conscientious in fulfilling obligations.

With Mars in fire sign Aries he has a warrior’s attitude – decisive, courageous and bold. He always wants to DO something. Being self-reliant, cooperation rarely comes easily. Being willful and highly competitive – that’s where it’s at. The desire to blaze a trail, to do things a new way – HIS way – is his super power!

Forecast-wise, Saturn will oppose his Jupiter in January and February as he deals with limitations and some frustrations, reassessing goals in a more practical light. Then Jupiter in Gemini graces his path in July and August of 2024 and expands his universe and his energy once again.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am only providing recommendations, I make no representations as to the results.

Andrea Mallis is the creatrix of Virgo in Service Astrological Consulting. A certified Astrologer for more than 25 years who is passionate about sports, she built a unique niche of Sports Astrology, illuminating mental, emotional and physical game. She is The Sports Sorceress on Fox Sports Radio, The Ben Maller Show; has appeared on ESPN SportsCenter, CBS News Sunday Morning, KNBR, 95.7 The Game; A’s Cast, and has been featured in the New York Times. She has written for, and Check her podcasts with Cesar Love at Love Sports Astrology. Find her at; on X @virgoinservice; on Facebook; or email at [email protected].

Illustration by Jennifer Hui

