Brendan Fraser is dating a hairdresser

Although I cant name anything Brendan Frasers starred in the last decade, I still have love for him from Encino Man. I probably saw that movie a dozen times. I thought I heard his marriage was in trouble. Apparently he split with his wife years ago after an alleged fling with Maria Bello and is

Although I can’t name anything Brendan Fraser’s starred in the last decade, I still have love for him from Encino Man. I probably saw that movie a dozen times.

I thought I heard his marriage was in trouble. Apparently he split with his wife years ago after an alleged fling with Maria Bello and is now dating a “civilian.”

Although they are rarely in the public eye together, Brendan and Natalia Bruschi, a hairdresser at L.A.’s Fred Segal, are going strong.

“Brendan is very private about Natalia, but that doesn’t mean he’s not into her,” a pal tells Star. “He says she’s the love of his life.”

They toasted their second anniversary with romantic candlelit dinners in Manhattan — where Brendan, 42, was starring in the Broadway play Elling — during the first weekend of December.

But a trip down the aisle isn’t likely just yet. After splitting from wife of 12 years Afton Smith in 2007, the dad of three “isn’t ready to remarry, because the split was so painful,” says the source. “But Natalia knows he’s in it for the long haul with her.”

[Star, print edition, December 27, 2010]

Is it too easy to go for the balding-actor-dating-a-hairdresser joke? Thought so.

According to IMDB, Brendan’s been working steadily, including several sequels to The Mummy, and a turn on Broadway.

He seems like a genuinely nice guy who isn’t into the Hollywood scene, so it’s a shame if an on-set fling broke up his marriage, but good for him for finding a stable relationship again.

Brendan Fraser is shown at the premiere of Elling on 11/21/10. He’s shown with costars Jennifer Coolidge, Denis O’Hare, and Jeremy Shamos. Credit:

Note: this is Fraser’s Broadway co-star Jennifer Coolidge, not his new girlfriend.

And he looks like hell here because he’s in character:





