A Picture Speaks Volumes For Sasha Banks, WWE Invites You To A Digital Superkick Party (Video)

Sasha Banks tweeted out this photo with no caption, but its clear the heat is on between her and Bayley: pic.twitter.com/ibdQz6qssH Mercedes Mon Varnado (@MercedesVarnado) June 21, 2018 RELATED:Charlotte Taunts Billie Kay

A Picture Speaks Volumes For Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks tweeted out this photo with no caption, but it’s clear the heat is on between her and Bayley:


— Mercedes Moné Varnado (@MercedesVarnado) June 21, 2018

RELATED: Charlotte Taunts Billie Kay

WWE Invites You To A Digital Superkick Party (Video)

WWE’s official YouTube posted this video:

From Shawn Michaels‘ Sweet Chin Music to The Usos‘ Stereo Superkicks, nothing can turn a match around quite like a superkick to the jaw!

